Now is the time to Invest in Alaska.

Why I’m Running for Senate

Alaska’s natural resources are the envy of the world. We must harness them to their fullest potential to ensure Alaskans can thrive for generations to come.

As your State Representative, I have advocated tirelessly to protect your family from radical environmentalists who want to shut our state down. And I’ll continue that fight in the Alaska Senate.

The road to American Energy Independence runs straight through the Last Frontier, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure we’re ready to take advantage of it.


“Mike Cronk has proven himself time and time again as a tough, determined, and selfless leader in the House, and he’ll make a great State Senator.”

- Former State Rep. Dave Talerico (Healy)

I’ve been honored to serve as your State Representative.

I’ve chosen to step up and run for State Senate to be your voice and advocate for you in Juneau.

This is a critical time for Alaska, and we need proven leaders who are willing to do the right thing for their Districts — even when it isn’t popular in other parts of the state.

The road to American energy independence runs through Alaska, and we must be positioned to take full advantage of that.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of service to you, your family, your business, or your community.


  • Alaska’s natural resources are the lifeblood of our economy. We have a strong role to play in unleashing American energy independence, and in order to do that, we must be allowed to responsibly develop our own natural resources without excessive interference from the federal government.

  • We need to make sure it is properly funded as well as working to make our VPSO program effective so rural Alaska will have the best safety possible. Child abuse, spousal abuse, and sexual assaults can’t be tolerated. We need more attention to drug-related crimes and theft as well as investigate the disappearance of our indigenous women.

  • We must continue to work on our education system by identifying ways to save money and adapting cost saving measures that are proven to work. This, with reduced administration costs, means more teachers in the classroom. We need a quality university teaching program that recruits and retains local teachers in our rural communities and villages. When students have a purpose (high-paying local jobs) education will begin to be meaningful.

  • High energy costs continue to plague Alaska. This continues to take money out of people’s pockets, hurts small business, and our local economies. We need to responsibly develop our resources which are primarily located in rural Alaska. We need to build partnerships and infrastructure, which will lead to jobs, revenue, and a future for our youth.

  • We need to begin with a spending cap. Critical services and those that are constitutionally mandated must be funded. I support a full statutory PFD as well as fair caucus rules.

  • I want to revitalize our timber industry, and invest in infrastructure projects like the Northern Rail Extension and Pt. McKenzie Rail Extension that improve access to goods and services, and promote lower costs.

  • I will continue to vigorously support our military in Alaska as well as our Veterans.

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